
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4644 From: fireup_kev Date: 4/25/2012
Subject: v429 Bug (,NET part)
I'm still getting one-off error when I access bits greater than 31 for
"CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState" and "CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection"

CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(32) will always return false CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(33) will return state of bit 32
CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(34) will return state of bit 33

CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState(34) will always return false
CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState(35) will return state of bit 34

Also KmotionServer will crash if I have KMotion.exe running at the same time while I exit my application. It might have to do with the auto-update of CurrentStatus. How do I disable auto-update of CurrentStatus? I try to set StatusUpdateInterval to 0, but it does not seem to do anything. Changing LockStatusOnUpdate to false also have no effect.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4647 From: fireup_kev Date: 4/25/2012
Subject: Re: v429 Bug (,NET part)
I found the location of the bug on line 395 of KM_MainStatus.cs

The GetKFlopBitSate is not a bug, it was mis-typeing on my part.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, "fireup_kev" <kliboon@...> wrote:
> I'm still getting one-off error when I access bits greater than 31 for
> "CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState" and "CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection"
> CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(32) will always return false CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(33) will return state of bit 32
> CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitDirection(34) will return state of bit 33
> CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState(34) will always return false
> CurrentStatus.GetKFlopBitState(35) will return state of bit 34
> Also KmotionServer will crash if I have KMotion.exe running at the same time while I exit my application. It might have to do with the auto-update of CurrentStatus. How do I disable auto-update of CurrentStatus? I try to set StatusUpdateInterval to 0, but it does not seem to do anything. Changing LockStatusOnUpdate to false also have no effect.
> Kevin
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4649 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/25/2012
Subject: Re: v429 Bug (,NET part)
Thanks Kevin, I was thinking that would be the 3rd time we fixed that :}
I will have to look into the Auto Update of Current Status.  But it seems like an interval of 0 would make it worse (more updates faster).